Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.



Shaping Tomorrow’s Leaders

At Nova Foundation, we’re all about nurturing the leaders of tomorrow. Our youth programs are designed to empower young individuals, helping them develop essential leadership skills, expand their education, and learn the value of community service.

Nova Stars Youth Club

The Nova Stars Youth Club is a platform where young individuals between the ages of 14 and 24 from all around the world can showcase their talents and skills. This can include a wide range of talents such as music, art, writing, sports, or any other abilities you possess. For example, if you’re a talented singer, you can share your singing performances on the Nova Stars Youth Club platform. It’s a place to shine and be recognized for your unique talents.

Benefits of Joining

  1. International Recognition
    Participants may gain recognition on an international stage. For instance, if you’re a talented artist, your artwork might be featured in an international art exhibition, allowing art enthusiasts from around the world to appreciate your work.
  2. Networking Opportunities
    Through the Nova Stars Youth Club, you can promote your work and connect with others who share your interests. For example, if you’re passionate about environmental conservation, you can connect with like-minded individuals and collaborate on projects to make a global impact.
  3. Become a Leader
    By actively participating in Nova Stars programs, you can become a leader not only in your school but also in your local community. For instance, if you organize a charity event through the club, you’ll become a leader in championing a cause that matters to you.
  4. Make Friends Globally
    As you engage with Nova Stars Youth Club members from around the world, you’ll have the opportunity to make new friends and build friendships that transcend borders. You might make a friend in another country who shares your passion for music or community service.
  5. Positive Reputation
    Active participation in the Nova Stars Youth Club can earn you respect and recognition in society. For example, if you lead a successful awareness campaign through the club, your efforts may be recognized by local media or community leaders.

How to Join

Joining the Nova Stars Youth Club is easy. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Check for Local Clubs
    Start by checking if there’s a Nova Stars Youth (NSY) club at your school or in your local area. You can ask your school administration or do an online search to find the nearest clubs.
  2. Contact the NSY Club
    Once you’ve identified a club, get in touch with them. You can typically reach out through their designated email or visit their website. Introduce yourself and express your interest in joining.
  3. Club Membership Information
    The NSY club will provide you with all the details you need to become a member. They will guide you on how to attend their meetings, participate in service projects, and get involved in community events.

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to becoming an active member of the Nova Stars Youth Club.

What’s Involved

Participating in Nova Stars Youth (NSY) clubs offers a wide range of exciting activities and projects that empower you to make a positive impact.

  1. Community Clean-up
    NSY clubs frequently organize community clean-up events. These events bring members together to enhance public spaces and contribute to a cleaner and greener environment. For instance, a club might host a park clean-up day where members work together to pick up litter, plant trees, and create a more beautiful and sustainable local area.
  2. Cultural Exchange
    NSY clubs are known for their vibrant cultural exchange activities. These initiatives promote cross-cultural understanding and appreciation. For example, a club might organize a cultural fair where members from various backgrounds come together to share their traditions, cuisine, art, and more. These events create opportunities to learn about and celebrate diverse cultures, fostering a sense of global unity.
  3. Social Impact Projects
    NSY clubs often engage in projects that address important social issues. From raising awareness about environmental conservation to supporting local charities or initiatives, members have the chance to work on projects that align with their passions and values. These projects provide hands-on experience in making a positive change in society.
  4. Leadership Development
    As an NSY club member, you’ll have opportunities to develop leadership skills through project planning, teamwork, and taking on leadership roles within the club. These experiences empower you to become a confident and effective leader in your school and community.
  5. Educational Initiatives
    NSY clubs may also organize educational events and workshops. These can cover a wide range of topics, such as sustainability, entrepreneurship, or personal development. Participating in these activities not only expands your knowledge but also equips you with valuable life skills.
  6. Global Connections 
    By joining NSY clubs, you become part of a global network of like-minded individuals. You’ll have the chance to connect with peers from around the world, opening up opportunities for collaboration and cultural exchange.

Participation Opportunities

In NSYLA events, you can expect a rich array of activities and opportunities for personal and leadership development. Here’s a closer look at some of the engaging experiences you’ll encounter:

  1. Leadership Workshops
    NSYLA events offer intensive leadership workshops that dive into essential skills for effective leadership. Topics include communication strategies for building strong teams, problem-solving techniques, and leadership styles. These workshops are designed to equip you with the practical skills needed to lead both in your school and within your NSY club.
  2. Cultural Understanding
    Cultural understanding is a cornerstone of NSYLA events. Participants have the chance to engage in immersive cultural experiences, from attending traditional cultural presentations to participating in multicultural discussions. These activities promote tolerance, appreciation, and respect for diverse cultures, enriching your global perspective.
  3. Community Service Projects
    At NSYLA events, you won’t just talk about making a difference; you’ll actively contribute to positive change. Through hands-on community service projects, you’ll have the opportunity to work alongside fellow NSYLA participants to address local community needs. Whether it’s organizing a food drive, renovating a community center, or planting trees, you’ll see the immediate impact of your efforts.
  4. Interactive Discussions
    Engage in thought-provoking discussions on pressing global issues. NSYLA events foster an open and inclusive environment where participants from various backgrounds can share their perspectives. These discussions provide a platform for critical thinking, meaningful dialogue, and the exchange of ideas to address some of the world’s most challenging problems.
  5. Skills Development
    NSYLA events provide skill-building sessions tailored to your needs and interests. From mastering project planning and successful fundraising to honing your public speaking and event management abilities, you’ll acquire a toolkit of skills essential for effective leadership. These practical sessions empower you to take on leadership roles and contribute more effectively to your NSY club’s initiatives.

How to Get Involved

Participating in the Nova Foundation Youth Leadership Program (NFYLP) is an exciting opportunity for personal growth, leadership development, and community engagement. Here’s how you can get involved:


NFYLP participants are typically aged 14 to 24 and are recognized leaders in their schools and communities. To qualify for NFYLP events, individuals should demonstrate a commitment to leadership, community service, and a desire to make a positive impact.

Application Process

To apply for NFYLP events, interested individuals can follow these steps

  1. Contact Your Local Nova Foundation Club
    Reach out to your local Nova Foundation club to express your interest in NFYLP events. They can provide you with detailed information about upcoming events, application deadlines, and any associated costs.
  2. Application Submission
    Complete the NFYLP application provided by your local Nova Foundation club. This application typically includes information about your leadership experiences, community involvement, and personal goals. Be sure to submit it by the specified deadline.
  3. Selection Process
    NFYLP participants are selected based on their demonstrated leadership potential and commitment to service. Your local Nova Foundation club will review applications and may conduct interviews to determine the best candidates.
  4. Notification
    Once you’re selected to participate in an NFYLP event, you’ll receive a notification from your local Nova Foundation club with event details, schedules, and any preparations you need to make.

How Can I Apply

Becoming a member of the Nova Foundation and participating in our programs is a straightforward process. Here’s how you can apply:

Membership Eligibility

Nova Foundation membership is open to individuals between the ages of 14 and 35 who share our passion for positive change and community service. Whether you’re a student, young professional, or someone looking to make a difference, we welcome you to join us.

Application Steps

  1. Visit Our Website
    Start by visiting the Nova Foundation website, where you’ll find detailed information about our programs, membership, and initiatives.
  2. Membership Registration
    Click on the “Membership” or “Join Us” section of our website to access the membership registration form. Fill out the required details, including your personal information and interests.
  3. Program Selection
    Choose the specific program or programs you’re interested in participating in. Whether it’s our youth leadership program, educational initiatives, or community service projects, indicate your preferences during registration.
  4. Submit Your Application
    After completing the registration form, submit your application online. You’ll receive a confirmation email acknowledging your application.
  5. Review and Acceptance
    Our membership team will review your application and get in touch with you for any additional information or to discuss your interests further.
  6. Welcome to Nova Foundation
    Once your application is approved, you’ll officially become a member of the Nova Foundation. You’ll receive a welcome package and information about upcoming events and activities.

By following these steps, you can initiate your journey with the Nova Foundation, join like-minded individuals, and contribute to meaningful projects and initiatives.

Membership Benefits

In this section, you can detail the benefits and opportunities that come with being a member of the Nova Foundation. For example

Membership Benefits

Becoming a member of the Nova Foundation offers numerous benefits and opportunities for personal growth and community engagement. Here are some of the advantages you can enjoy

  1. Access to Diverse Programs
    As a Nova Foundation member, you gain access to a wide range of programs and initiatives, including educational projects, community service opportunities, and youth leadership development.
  2. Networking
    Connect with like-minded individuals who are passionate about making a positive impact in their communities. Build a strong network of friends and collaborators who share your values.
  3. Leadership Development
    Enhance your leadership skills through participation in our programs. Gain valuable experience in project planning, teamwork, and community outreach.
  4. Personal Growth
    Our programs provide opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery. Challenge yourself, set and achieve goals, and develop a greater sense of purpose.
  5. Community Impact
    Make a real difference in your community and beyond. Join us in meaningful projects that address pressing social issues and contribute to positive change.
  6. Skill Building
    Acquire practical skills that are valuable in both your personal and professional life. Learn to communicate effectively, organize events, and manage projects.
  7. Global Perspective
    Engage in initiatives that promote cultural understanding and global awareness. Expand your horizons by connecting with individuals from diverse backgrounds.
  8. Supportive Community
    Become part of a supportive and inclusive community of individuals who are dedicated to creating a better world. Share experiences, ideas, and successes with fellow members.

By becoming a member of the Nova Foundation, you unlock a world of opportunities to learn, grow, and contribute to meaningful causes. It’s more than membership; it’s an invitation to be part of positive change.

Membership Responsibilities

In this section, you can outline the responsibilities and expectations that members of the Nova Foundation should be aware of. For example

Membership Responsibilities

Being a member of the Nova Foundation is not only about enjoying benefits but also about actively contributing to our mission and values. Here are some of the responsibilities that come with your membership

  1. Commitment to Positive Change
    Demonstrate a commitment to positive change and community service. Be an advocate for inclusivity, equality, and social betterment.
  2. Active Participation
    Engage actively in Nova Foundation programs and initiatives. Contribute your time, skills, and enthusiasm to make a meaningful impact.
  3. Respect and Inclusivity
    Treat all members with respect, dignity, and inclusivity. Embrace diversity and promote a welcoming and supportive environment for everyone.
  4. Professionalism
    Conduct yourself with professionalism and integrity in all Nova Foundation activities. Uphold ethical standards and represent our organization positively.
  5. Teamwork
    Collaborate effectively with fellow members and project partners. Embrace the spirit of teamwork and cooperation in achieving our shared goals.
  6. Continuous Learning:
    Be open to learning and personal growth. Seek opportunities to acquire new skills, broaden your horizons, and adapt to changing community needs.
  7. Community Engagement
    Actively engage with the communities we serve. Listen to their needs, aspirations, and concerns and work collaboratively to address them.
  8. Communication
    Maintain clear and respectful communication with Nova Foundation leadership and fellow members. Stay informed about upcoming events and initiatives.
  9. Advocacy
    Advocate for the causes and values that Nova Foundation represents. Use your voice and actions to raise awareness about important social issues.
  10. Contribution
    Make a tangible contribution to our projects and initiatives. Your involvement and dedication are essential to our collective success.

By fulfilling these responsibilities, you not only enrich your own experience as a Nova Foundation member but also play a vital role in our efforts to create positive change. Together, we can make a significant impact on our communities and the world.

Membership Categories

The Nova Foundation offers a range of membership categories to accommodate individuals with different backgrounds, ages, and levels of involvement. 

  1. Youth Membership (YM)
    Eligibility: Youth Membership is open to individuals aged 14 to 24.
    Benefits: Youth members enjoy access to youth-centric programs and initiatives that focus on leadership development, community engagement, and personal growth. This category offers a unique platform for young individuals to connect with peers who share their passion for positive change.
  2. Traditional Membership (TM)
    Eligibility: Traditional Membership is available to individuals aged 25 to 35.
    Benefits: Traditional members have the opportunity to participate in a wider array of Nova Foundation programs, including those that address broader community needs and initiatives. This category provides networking opportunities with a diverse membership base, fostering personal and professional growth.
  3. Current Student Membership (CSM)
    Eligibility: Current Student Membership is automatically granted to students currently enrolled at Nova Foundation-affiliated educational institutions.
    Benefits: Students in this category benefit from automatic membership during their academic years. They gain access to student-specific programs and resources tailored to their educational journey and community involvement.
  4. Previous Student Membership (PSM)
    Eligibility: Graduates of Nova Foundation-affiliated educational institutions are eligible for Previous Student Membership.
    Benefits: This category allows graduates to apply for Nova Foundation membership at any point in their lives. It offers flexibility with three membership status options: Temporary Active Membership, Permanent Membership, or Dormant Membership, depending on their level of engagement.
  5. Temporary Active Membership (TAM)
    Eligibility: Members in this category are within their initial six months of membership.
    Benefits: TAM offers a pathway to permanent membership. Members in this category have the opportunity to transition to Permanent Membership by actively participating in Nova Foundation activities during their temporary membership period.
  6. Permanent Membership (PM):
    Eligibility: Permanent Membership is granted to members who have successfully completed the Temporary Active Membership period.
    Benefits: PM status provides lifetime membership privileges, ensuring ongoing access to all Nova Foundation programs and initiatives. This category is for dedicated and long-term members committed to our mission.
  7. Dormant Membership (DM)
    Eligibility Dormant Membership is designated for members who have not actively participated in Nova Foundation activities for 18 months.
    Benefits: Members in this category can reactivate their membership by expressing their intention and making a nominal contribution toward a chosen cause. This allows past members to re-engage with the Nova Foundation community.

These membership categories are thoughtfully designed to cater to individuals at different stages of life and involvement. Whether you’re a young aspiring leader, a working professional, a student, or a previous student, there’s a place for you within the Nova Foundation community. Our goal is to create an inclusive and dynamic environment where all members can contribute to positive change.

Membership Activation and Renewal

Activating and renewing your Nova Foundation membership is a straightforward process. 


  1. Youth Membership and Traditional Membership Activation
    If you fall within the age range of Youth Membership (14-24) or Traditional Membership (25-35), your membership will be automatically activated upon approval of your application. You’ll receive a confirmation email welcoming you to the Nova Foundation community.
  2. Current Student Membership Activation
    Current Student Membership is automatically activated during your academic years at Nova Foundation-affiliated educational institutions. You don’t need to take any additional steps to activate this membership category.
  3. Previous Student Membership Activation
    Graduates of Nova Foundation-affiliated educational institutions can activate their Previous Student Membership at any time by applying through our website. Upon approval, you’ll be officially recognized as a Nova Foundation member.


  1. Youth and Traditional Membership Renewal
    Youth and Traditional Memberships remain active as long as you meet the respective age criteria. There’s no need to renew these memberships unless you wish to transition to a different category due to age.
  2. Current Student Membership Renewal
    Current Student Membership remains active during your academic years. Upon graduation, you’ll have the option to transition to another membership category if eligible. Renewal isn’t necessary as long as you maintain your student status.
  3. Previous Student Membership Renewal
    Previous Student Members can renew their membership at any time by expressing their intention through our website. Renewing your membership allows you to continue your engagement with the Nova Foundation community.

Updating Membership Categories

If you wish to change your membership category as you age or based on eligibility criteria, you can do so through your member profile on our website. This process is designed to accommodate changes in your life stage and ensure that you remain in the appropriate category.

Membership Duration

Most membership categories, including Youth, Traditional, Current Student, and Previous Student, offer ongoing access to Nova Foundation programs with no set expiration date. Temporary Active Memberships are initially valid for six months, but members can transition to Permanent Membership with active participation.

We hope this detailed explanation clarifies the membership activation, renewal, and category change processes. If you have any questions or require further assistance with membership-related matters, please don’t hesitate to contact our dedicated support team.

Temporary Active Membership

Temporary Active Membership is a category designed for individuals who are interested in becoming more actively involved in Nova Foundation initiatives but want to initially test the waters or demonstrate their commitment. Here’s what you need to know about this membership category


Temporary Active Membership has a predefined duration of six months. During this period, you have the opportunity to engage with Nova Foundation programs and projects to determine your level of commitment and interest.

Observation Period

Temporary Active Membership serves as an observation period during which Nova Foundation assesses your active participation and involvement. It allows both the member and the organization to evaluate the compatibility of interests and goals.

Qualification for Permanent Membership

To transition from Temporary Active Membership to Permanent Membership, members are encouraged to actively participate in Nova Foundation initiatives. You can qualify for Permanent Membership by doing one or more of the following during your Temporary Active Membership

  1. Organizing a fundraising event.
  2. Hosting an awareness event related to a cause you’re passionate about.
  3. Offering your professional services to the community.
  4. Volunteering at the Nova Foundation office if your assistance is needed.
  5. Taking an active role in an upcoming campaign or project.

Automatic Transition

If, during your Temporary Active Membership, you actively participate and meet one or more of the qualifications listed above, you will be eligible for an automatic transition to Permanent Membership.


If you’re unable to participate actively during your Temporary Active Membership period, your membership will automatically expire at the end of the six-month period. However, if you ever wish to rejoin Nova Foundation at any point in your life, you can easily do so by reaching out directly or with a reference from an active member.

Temporary Active Membership offers individuals the opportunity to explore their involvement with Nova Foundation, assess their compatibility with the organization’s mission and values, and determine their level of commitment. It’s a stepping stone toward becoming a more engaged and active member of our community.

Permanent Membership OR Active Permanent Membership

Permanent Membership, often referred to as Active Permanent Membership, is a prestigious and long-term commitment within the Nova Foundation. This category is designed for individuals who have demonstrated a strong dedication to Nova Foundation’s mission and have actively engaged in its initiatives. Here’s a comprehensive overview of Permanent Membership


To qualify for Permanent Membership, individuals typically transition from Temporary Active Membership by actively participating in Nova Foundation initiatives during their Temporary Active Membership period. The specific qualifications for Permanent Membership include

  1. Active Involvement
    Actively participate in Nova Foundation programs, projects, or campaigns during your Temporary Active Membership.
  1. Contribution
    Make a meaningful contribution to the Foundation’s mission. This can include organizing events, volunteering, offering professional services, or actively participating in initiatives aligned with Nova Foundation’s goals.

Benefits of Permanent Membership

Permanent Membership offers a range of benefits, including:

  1. Long-Term Engagement
    Enjoy ongoing engagement with the Nova Foundation community and its initiatives.
  2. Recognition
    As a Permanent Member, your contributions and achievements are recognized and celebrated by the organization.
  3. Leadership Opportunities
    Take on leadership roles within Nova Foundation programs or projects and help guide the organization toward its goals.
  4. Continued Personal Growth
    Continue your personal growth and development by participating in advanced leadership training and initiatives.
  5. Support and Mentorship
    Benefit from ongoing support and mentorship from experienced members.
  6. Access to Exclusive Programs
    Gain access to exclusive programs and initiatives available to Permanent Members.

Dormant Membership/Non-active Member

In the event that a Permanent Member does not actively participate in Nova Foundation initiatives for 18 consecutive months, their membership will automatically transition to Dormant Membership, also referred to as Non-active Membership.

Reactivating Dormant Membership

To reactivate a Dormant Membership and return to active participation, the member should

  1. Express their intention to reactivate their membership.
  2. Donate a designated amount, such as a $100 gift aid contribution, towards their chosen Nova Foundation cause or the School education bank account.

Permanent Membership signifies a long-term commitment to Nova Foundation’s mission, and it empowers members to play a significant role in driving positive change and shaping the organization’s future. If you have any further questions or need additional information about Permanent Membership, Dormant Membership, or reactivation, please feel free to ask.

What We Expect

At Nova Foundation, our community interest organization thrives on the collective commitment of our members to drive positive change and foster inclusivity. To ensure the success of our mission and maintain a vibrant community, we have certain expectations from our members:

  1. Active Participation
    We expect members to actively engage in Nova Foundation programs, projects, and initiatives. Your involvement is essential in creating meaningful impact.
  2. Alignment with Our Values
    Members should align with Nova Foundation’s core values of integrity, community service, inclusivity, and a commitment to positive change.
  3. Respect and Inclusivity
    Treat fellow members, volunteers, and beneficiaries with respect and inclusivity. Our community embraces diversity, and respectful interactions are fundamental.
  4. Support for Fellow Members
    Offer support and assistance to fellow members whenever possible. We believe in the power of collaboration and teamwork.
  5. Commitment to Learning
    Be open to continuous learning and personal growth. Nova Foundation provides opportunities for skill development and leadership training.
  6. Contribution to Causes
    Contribute to Nova Foundation causes, whether through organizing events, volunteering, offering professional services, or actively participating in initiatives aligned with our goals.
  7. Advocacy and Awareness
    Use your voice and platform to advocate for causes you’re passionate about and raise awareness about important issues in your community.
  8. Feedback and Ideas
    Share your feedback, suggestions, and innovative ideas with us. Your input helps shape the direction of Nova Foundation and its initiatives.
  9. Recognition of Achievements
    Celebrate your achievements and the achievements of fellow members. Recognition is a way to inspire others and promote a culture of appreciation.
  10. Respect for Members’ Choices
    Respect members’ choices regarding the level of involvement and the causes they support. Everyone’s journey within Nova Foundation is unique.
  11. Commitment to Positive Change
    Uphold a commitment to positive change within your community and beyond. Nova Foundation members are catalysts for a brighter future.

These expectations are not just guidelines but principles that reflect the essence of Nova Foundation. By meeting these expectations, you contribute to our collective effort to create a more inclusive and compassionate world. Your dedication and actions make a meaningful impact on the lives of individuals and communities in need.

Rising Star Foundation believes in developing the next generation of leaders. Our programs help younger leaders build leadership skills, expand education and learn the value of service.

RSF Youth Club

  • RSFY Talent Competition
  • RSFY Annual Awards
  • RSFY Good Deeds Competition

All the members between 14-24 from all around the world will show case their talent on RSF platform.
They will also get their professional work profile created by the foundation on its system and share the link with you so that you can share it with others.

What are the benefits?

1. International recognition
2. Promote each other’s work.
3. Become a leader in your school and community
4. Have fun and make new friends from around the world.
5. You will get a positive recognition in the society.

How do I join?

Check with your school or contact a local RSFY club to find out if there’s an RSF club in your area. Contact the RSFY club to find out how you can join the meetings, and take part in service projects, or community event.

What’s involved?

RSFY clubs organize at least two projects every year, one that helps their school or community and one that promotes international understanding.
RSFYLA events are organized locally by RSF clubs and districts for participants ages 14-24. Depending on community needs, RSFYLA may take the form of a one-day seminar, a three-day retreat, or a weeklong camp. Typically, events last 3-10 days and include presentations, activities, and workshops covering a variety of topics.

How can I participate?

RYLA participants are nominated by local RS clubs. Contact RSF club to find out more about RYLA events in your area, how to apply, and any costs of getting involved.

How can I apply?

Candidates are ages 14-24 and are leaders in their schools and communities. Contact your local RSF club to see what exchange opportunities are available and what the application process involves.


Rising Star Foundation believes in developing the next generation of leaders. Our programs help younger leaders build leadership skills, expand education and learn the value of service.


RSFY Talent Competition
RSFY Annual Awards
RSFY Good Deeds Competition

All the members between 14-24 from all around the world will show case their talent on RSF platform.
They will also get their professional work profile created by the foundation on its system and share the link with you so that you can share it with others.

What are the benefits?

1. International recognition
2. Promote each other’s work.
3. Become a leader in your school and community
4. Have fun and make new friends from around the world.
5. You will get a positive recognition in the society.

How do I join?

Check with your school or contact a local RSFY club to find out if there’s an RSF club in your area. Contact the RSFY club to find out how you can join the meetings, and take part in service projects, or community event.

What’s involved?

RSFY club organise at least two projects every year, one that helps their school or community and one that promotes international understanding.
RSFY events are organised locally by RSF clubs and districts for participants ages 14-24. Depending on community needs, RSFYLA may take the form of a one-day seminar, a three-day retreat, or a weeklong camp. Typically, events last 3-10 days and include presentations, activities, and workshops covering a variety of topics. How can I participate?
RYLA participants are nominated by local RS clubs. Contact your local RS club to find out more about RYLA events in your area, how to apply, and any costs of getting involved.

How can I apply?

Candidates are ages 14-24 and are leaders in their schools and communities. Contact your local RSF club to see what exchange opportunities are available and what the application process involves.

Rising Stars Foundation School

As, our students can be between the age of 14-35 years old.  They fall into a special category of membership created only for them.

Pupil between the age of 14-24 years old will be offered Youth Membership and it will be called School Youth Membership SYM.
Pupil between the age of 25-35 years old will be offered Traditional Membership and it will be called School Traditional Membership STM.

Current Student

If you are a student of RSF school, then you automatically become our member according to the age bracket you fall in.

Previous Student

You are eligible if you have cleared your academic years in the past.
You can apply your membership at any time in life. It has 3 parts of membership.

  • Temporary Membership.
  • Permanent Membership
  • Dormant Membership.

Temporary Active Membership

It is for 6months, in which we observe how much you have been involved. 
You have to do at least one of the things mentioned below to qualify for the permanent membership.
You can organize any event of your choice to play your part, it can be anything like;

  • Organising a fundraising event.
  • Awareness event about anything you would like to address.
  • Offering your professional services to the community.
  • Volunteering Rising stars foundation office work if it is needed.
  • Taking part in an upcoming campaign.

NOTE If you will not be able to take part during your temporary membership, then it will be automatically deleted from our system.
If, if you ever wish to be part of our team again at any point of life then you can easily do that by writing us directly or with a reference of our active member.

Permanent Membership OR Active Permanent Membership

Good New! Our Permanent Membership is for life time.

Take part in at least two events per year.
If, in case you are unable to take an active part to the events then you can always write us and your membership will be held for the desired time period.
Unfortunately, if you did not inform us and did not take part in the events your membership will go under a dormant status.

Dormant Membership/ Non-active Member

If you do not take active part towards the cause for 18 months, your membership will automatically turn into a Dormant Membership.

How Can you become an active member again?

You will have to write us about your intention and donate $100 gift aid money towards your chosen cause or towards School education bank account.

What We Expect?

We would like you to play an active part towards the cause and we would love to hear you back. You can always share your pictures and write us about your experience to motivate others via our website.

Rising Stars Foundation School.


Current Student

If you are a student of RSF school, then you automatically become our member according to the age bracket you fall in.

Previous Student

You are eligible if you have cleared your academic years in the past.
You can apply your membership at any time in life. It has 3 parts of membership.

  • Temporary Membership
  • Permanent Membership
  • Dormant Membership

Temporary Active Membership

It is for 6 months, in which we observe how much you have been involved.
You have to do at least one of the things mentioned below to qualify for the permanent membership.
You can organize any event of your choice to play your part, it can be anything like;

  • Organising a fundraising event.
  • Awareness event about anything you would like to address.
  • Offering your professional services to the community.
  • Volunteering Rising stars foundation office work if it is needed.
  • Taking part in an upcoming campaign.

Permanent Membership OR Active Permanent Membership

Good New! Our Permanent Membership is for life time.

Take part in at least two events per year.
If, in case you are unable to take an active part to the events then you can always write us and your membership will be held for the desired time period.
Unfortunately, if you did not inform us and did not take part in the events your membership will go under a dormant status.

Dormant Membership/ Non-active Member

If you do not take active part towards the cause for 18 months, your membership will automatically turn into a Dormant Membership.

How Can you become an active member again?

You will have to write us about your intention and pay $100 gift aid money towards your chosen cause or towards School education bank account.

What We Expect?

We would like you to play an active part towards the cause and we would love to hear you back. You can always share your pictures and write us about your experience to motivate others via our website.

Rising Star Foundation believes in developing the next generation of leaders. Our programs help younger leaders build leadership skills, expand education and learn the value of service.

Interact club
RSF Youth Leadership Awards
RSF youth Exchange
New Generations Service Exchange

Interact club

Take action, build international understanding and make new friends around the world.
Interact clubs bring together young people ages 12-18 to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self. Find out how serious leadership can be seriously fun.

What are the benefits?

  1. Take action to make a difference in your school and community
  2. Promote international understanding
  3. Become a leader in your school and community
  4. Have fun and make new friends from around the world

What’s involved?

Interact clubs organize at least two projects every year, one that helps their school or community and one that promotes international understanding. RSF club sponsors mentor and guide Interactors as they carry out projects and develop leadership skills.

Celebrate the global impact of Interact by getting involved in:

World Interact Week
Interact Video Awards
Rotary Youth Day at the United Nations
Global Youth Service Day

How do I join?

Check with your school or contact a local RSF club to find out if there’s an Interact club in your area. Contact the Interact club to find out how you can join its next meeting, service project, or community event.

Rising Star Youth Leadership Awards

Do you have what it takes to become a dynamic leader and change yourself and the world?
Rising Star Foundation Youth Leadership Awards (PSFYLA) is an intensive leadership experience organized by RSF clubs and districts where you develop your skills as a leader while having fun and making connections.

What are the benefits?

Connect with leaders in your community and around the world to:

  1. Build communication and problem-solving skills
  2. Discover strategies for becoming a dynamic leader in your school or community
  3. Learn from community leaders, inspirational speakers, and peer mentors
  4. Unlock your potential to turn motivation into action
  5. Have fun and form lasting friendships

What’s involved?

RSFYLA events are organized locally by RSF clubs and districts for participants ages 14-30. Depending on community needs, RSFYLA may take the form of a one-day seminar, a three-day retreat, or a weeklong camp. Typically, events last 3-10 days and include presentations, activities, and workshops covering a variety of topics.
Your community might host a RSYLA event for secondary school students to hone their leadership potential, for university students to develop creative problem-solving strategies, or for young professionals to learn ethical business practices.

How can I participate?

RYLA participants are nominated by local RS clubs. Contact your local RS club to find out more about RYLA events in your area, how to apply, and any costs of getting involved.

Youth exchange

RSF Youth Exchange builds peace one young person at a time.
Students learn a new language, discover another culture, and truly become global citizens. Exchanges for students ages 15-19 are sponsored by RSF clubs in more than 100 countries.

What are the benefits?

Exchange students unlock their true potential to:

  1. Develop lifelong leadership skills
  2. Learn a new language and culture
  3. Build lasting friendships with young people from around the world
  4. Become a global citizen

How long do exchanges last?

Long-term exchanges last a full academic year, and students attend local schools and live with multiple host families.
Short-term exchanges last from several days to three months and are often structured as camps, tours, or homestays that take place when school is not in session.

What are the costs?

Room and board are provided, as well as any school fees. Each program varies, but students are usually responsible for:

Round-trip airfare
Travel insurance
Travel documents (such as passports and visas)
Spending money and any additional travel or tours

How can I apply?

Candidates are ages 15-19 and are leaders in their schools and communities. Contact your local RSF club to see what exchange opportunities are available and what the application process involves.

RSF Youth Exchange Annual Report

RSF Youth Exchange inspires young leaders to serve as catalysts for peace and social justice in their local communities and throughout the world, long after their exchanges end. This program is possible because of the dedication, leadership, and passion of the tens of thousands of volunteers — Rotary members and nonmembers alike — who make this unique program so successful.

Read the latest about how RSF Youth Exchange is a catalyst for service, cultural understanding, and lifelong connections to RSF.

New generations service exchange

New Generations Service Exchange is a short-term, customizable program for university students and professionals up to age 30.
Participants can design exchanges that combine their professional goals with a humanitarian project.

What are the benefits?

Make connections with service-minded community leaders in another country
Learn another language
Build your professional skills and gain international experience
Travel and explore a new culture while giving back through service

What is an exchange like?

With your host RSF district, you’ll plan activities that can include networking, relationship building, humanitarian service, professional development, and leadership training. Exchanges:

Last from a few weeks to six months
Can be arranged for individuals or groups
Need not be reciprocal

How much does it cost?

Costs vary by RSF club or district. To reduce expenses, RSF members often provide homestay options, arrange no-cost internship or job-shadowing programs, and offer other financial assistance.
Find a RSF club near you that works with New Generations Service Exchange to find out what it would cost.

How do I apply?

University students and professionals up to age 30 — including current and former RSF actors and former Interactors, RSF Youth Leadership Awards participants, and Youth Exchange students — are encouraged to apply. You don’t have to be a member of RSF to participate in an exchange.

Although each RSF club determines its own eligibility criteria, all participants should demonstrate a strong commitment to service and the ideals of Rotary. Contact your local Rotary club to see what exchange opportunities are available and what the application process involves.

Youth exchange

RSF Youth Exchange builds peace one young person at a time.
Students learn a new language, discover another culture, and truly become global citizens. Exchanges for students ages 15-19 are sponsored by RSF clubs in more than 100 countries.

What are the benefits?

Exchange students unlock their true potential to:

  1. Develop lifelong leadership skills
  2. Learn a new language and culture
  3. Build lasting friendships with young people from around the world
  4. Become a global citizen

How long do exchanges last?

Long-term exchanges last a full academic year, and students attend local schools and live with multiple host families.
Short-term exchanges last from several days to three months and are often structured as camps, tours, or homestays that take place when school is not in session.

What are the costs?

Room and board are provided, as well as any school fees. Each program varies, but students are usually responsible for:
Round-trip airfare
Travel insurance
Travel documents (such as passports and visas)
Spending money and any additional travel or tours

How can I apply?

Candidates are ages 15-19 and are leaders in their schools and communities. Contact your local RSF club to see what exchange opportunities are available and what the application process involves.

RSF Youth Exchange Annual Report

RSF Youth Exchange inspires young leaders to serve as catalysts for peace and social justice in their local communities and throughout the world, long after their exchanges end. This program is possible because of the dedication, leadership, and passion of the tens of thousands of volunteers — RSF members and nonmembers alike — who make this unique program so successful.
Read the latest about how RSF Youth Exchange is a catalyst for service, cultural understanding, and lifelong connections to RSF.

New generations service exchange

New Generations Service Exchange is a short-term, customizable program for university students and professionals up to age 30.
Participants can design exchanges that combine their professional goals with a humanitarian project.

What are the benefits?

Make connections with service-minded community leaders in another country
Learn another language
Build your professional skills and gain international experience
Travel and explore a new culture while giving back through service

What is an exchange like?

With your host RSF district, you’ll plan activities that can include networking, relationship building, humanitarian service, professional development, and leadership training. Exchanges:
Last from a few weeks to six months
Can be arranged for individuals or groups
Need not be reciprocal

How much does it cost?

Costs vary by RSF club or district. To reduce expenses, RSF members often provide homestay options, arrange no-cost internship or job-shadowing programs, and offer other financial assistance.
Find a RSF club near you that works with New Generations Service Exchange to find out what it would cost.

How do I apply?

University students and professionals up to age 30 — including current and former RSF actors and former Interactors, RSF Youth Leadership Awards participants, and Youth Exchange students — are encouraged to apply. You don’t have to be a member of RSF to participate in an exchange.
Although each RSF club determines its own eligibility criteria, all participants should demonstrate a strong commitment to service and the ideals of RSD. Contact your local RSF club to see what exchange opportunities are available and what the application process involves.

At the age of eight, my life took a sharp turn. My parents separated, leaving my mother and me to navigate a world suddenly devoid of stability. With finances tight and uncertainty looming, education became a distant dream.

When my mother remarried, hoping for a fresh start, I thought things might improve. Instead, my stepfather showed little interest in my education, preferring that I contribute financially to our household. My mother, too, was compelled to work, leaving me to fend for myself.

But amidst the struggle, a glimmer of hope emerged. At sixteen, I spotted a signboard advertising "Free Education for Girls at Nova School" while accompanying my mother to work. Intrigued, I persuaded her to inquire further.

Inside the school, hope blossomed into possibility. They offered education for girls free of charge, promising to prepare us for the 10th grade within three years. It was a lifeline, an opportunity to break free from the cycle of poverty.

With my mother's reluctant but unwavering support, I embarked on this journey. Each day, she dropped me off before heading to work and picked me up after school, ensuring my safety and commitment to my studies.

Through sheer determination, I not only completed my 10th grade but also pursued the equivalent of O levels, finishing my 11th and 12th grades within five years. Alongside academics, the school equipped me with practical skills like computer literacy and tailoring.

Armed with knowledge and resilience, I didn't stop at graduation. I leveraged my skills to start my own tailoring business, which eventually grew to serve clients worldwide.

As I reflect on my journey, gratitude fills my heart. To Nova School and, above all, my mother, I owe everything. Their unwavering belief in me transformed adversity into opportunity, allowing me not only to change my life but also to uplift others facing similar struggles.

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