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Dementia Is Real

Dementia’s Impact and Nova Foundation’s Role

Dementia is a relentless adversary, silently encroaching on the memories, relationships, and independence of millions worldwide. It’s a complex condition that challenges both those who live with it and their caregivers. Dementia doesn’t discriminate; it affects individuals from all walks of life, and its prevalence is increasing. In the United States alone, 5.8 million adults are grappling with dementia, a number projected to nearly double by 2060. Globally, over 55 million people are facing the daily struggles of dementia.

Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms

The early signs of dementia can be subtle, often mistaken for normal age-related changes. However, they should not be ignored, as early intervention can significantly impact the course of the condition. Some common early signs include forgetfulness, confusion, and difficulty with problem-solving. It’s important to distinguish between age-related memory lapses and more severe cognitive changes.

The Impact of Dementia

Dementia is not a single disease but an umbrella term that encompasses various conditions. These conditions can manifest differently in different individuals. Vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia, fronto-temporal dementia, and mixed dementia are just a few examples of these complex conditions.

Dementia doesn’t just affect memory; it infiltrates every aspect of daily life, from attention and communication to coordination and motor function. People with dementia often struggle with daily tasks due to compromised short-term memory, which can lead to missed appointments, unpaid bills, or even forgetting to take essential medications.

Understanding the Risk Factors

While dementia is more commonly associated with older age, it’s not limited to the elderly. Family history, heart conditions, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, and head injuries are all potential risk factors. It’s worth noting that certain racial and ethnic groups may face a higher risk of developing dementia.

Dementia on a Global Scale

The impact of dementia is felt worldwide, with over 50 million individuals living with dementia. The regions most affected include East Asia, Western Europe, South Asia, and North America. However, the prevalence of dementia varies globally, with Japan having the lowest prevalence and Finland experiencing the highest dementia-related death rate.

Nova Foundation’s Contribution

In the face of this global challenge, organizations like Nova Foundation are making a significant impact. Nova Foundation recognizes the urgency of addressing dementia’s impact on individuals, families, and communities. Their commitment to improving the lives of those affected by dementia is commendable.

One of Nova Foundation’s most impactful initiatives is the Golden Road Cafe, a heart-warming gathering place for individuals living with dementia and their families. Aptly named, this cafe provides a golden opportunity for guests to relive cherished memories, forge new friendships, and engage in memory-boosting activities. The warm and welcoming atmosphere, coupled with tea, cake, and interactive games, creates an environment where laughter and shared moments prevail.

But Nova Foundation’s support extends beyond the walls of the Golden Road Cafe. They are dedicated to raising awareness about dementia through informative and compassionate programs. These awareness initiatives not only educate families about the condition but also equip them with essential tools to enhance caregiving.

In addition to fostering a sense of community, Nova Foundation’s thoughtful gesture of providing coupons to cafe attendees offers financial relief to families. These coupons can be used for essential groceries and leisurely outings, allowing individuals living with dementia and their loved ones to enjoy life’s simple pleasures without the burden of excessive expenses.

Nova Foundation’s holistic approach to dementia care, which includes creating supportive environments, providing educational resources, and fostering meaningful connections, reflects their unwavering commitment to improving the quality of life for those affected by dementia. Their dedication serves as an inspiring example of how organizations can make a profound difference in the lives of individuals and families facing this challenging journey.

Preventing Dementia

While there’s no guaranteed way to prevent dementia, several lifestyle changes can help reduce the risk. Nova Foundation’s efforts align with these preventive measures, contributing to a better quality of life for those at risk of dementia:

  1. Quit smoking: Reducing inflammation and oxidative stress by quitting smoking can lower the risk of dementia.
  2. Maintain a healthy diet: A diet low in carbohydrates may reduce the risk of cognitive decline.
  3. Engage in regular exercise: Studies show that regular exercise can reduce the chance of developing dementia by as much as 30 percent.

Dementia’s impact is significant, affecting millions globally. However, with organizations like Nova Foundation actively supporting research, awareness, and prevection efforts, there is hope for individuals and families facing the challenges of dementia. By understanding the signs, risk factors, and preventive measures, we can work together to reduce the impact of dementia on our communities.


  1. Alzheimer’s Association
  2. CDC – Alzheimer’s Disease
  3. WHO – Dementia Fact Sheet
  4. National Library of Medicine – Smoking and Dementia
  5. PubMed – Diet and Dementia Risk
  6. Exercise and Dementia Risk
  7. Alzheimer’s Disease International – World Alzheimer Report 2015
  8. World Population Review – Dementia Death Rate by Country
  9. Nova Foundation – Supporting Dementia Care and Research